

Network Aim: To share best practice across the sector with regards to environmental sustainability, showcasing the work of London Higher members, and working towards shared targets for environmental practices.

The work of the network spans all areas of environmental sustainability within the sector:

  • operational (including estates, finances, investment);
  • research (including interdisciplinary focuses on environmental impact, as well as specific scientific research);
  • teaching (including curriculum development, sustainable teaching practices); and
  • activism (including volunteering, student activism and student societies).

Activity includes cooperating with industry, local government and the private sector to understand how London Higher members are engaging with partners to ensure environmentally friendly practices. It also focuses on demonstrating and understanding how HE can better cooperate with partners and how it can assist with national and local government targets in relation to environmental sustainability.

Current Projects: COP26 Showcase Report (November 2021), Food Procurement Sprint (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Spring 2022).

Membership: Heads/Directors of Sustainability/Strategic Leads


Simon Goldsmith, Head of Sustainability, University of Greenwich.

Simon has worked in the sustainability field for almost 30 years, in a range of sectors and most recently HE. As Head of Sustainability at the University of Greenwich, he has helped the University understand that sustainability can deliver core objectives for the institution, including its students, staff and partners. As Chair of the London Higher Sustainability Network Simon is able to create opportunities for collaboration and learning that will provide transformational sustainability outcomes for members and wider communities.

Executive Chair: Prof. Robert Van de Noort, Vice-Chancellor, University of Reading.

Meeting Regularity: Twice Termly

Follow the work… #LHSustainabilityNetwork #LHNetworks @LondonHigher #LondonHE

Contact: Darren de Souza