
Network Aim: To provide opportunities for colleagues from London Higher member institutions working within operational functions to share best practice and institutional responses to issues affecting London’s HEIs for mutual benefit, to assess and respond to sector challenges with a specific London dynamic, and to collaboratively engage with London’s stakeholders as appropriate.
Membership: COOs, Head of Operations, Head of Health and Safety, Head of Estates or similar roles.
Niamh Nelson, Head of Safety, Health and Wellbeing, University of Westminster.
Niamh Nelson BAgrSc (Hons), MSc, CMIOSH is the Head of Safety, Health and Wellbeing at the University of Westminster. Prior to this, her background was in the food industry in Ireland. She continues to benefit from the wisdom of colleagues within the sector; and values progressive, collaborative approaches to overcoming shared challenges.
- Niamh Nelson
Meeting Regularity: As needed
Follow the work… #LHOperationsNetwork #LHNetworks @LondonHigher #LondonHE
Contact: Darren de Souza