

Network Aim: To provide a space for discussion and communication to improve enterprise capability and collaboration across London. Focusing on: pan-London collaboration with opportunities for sub-regional work; cross-sector collaboration to make the case for London and articulate London’s connectivity with other points of innovation; horizon scanning and analysing R&D plans in order to articulate a
networked, integrated sector in London for the longer term; the role of place in innovation and enterprise capacity.

Membership: Directors of Enterprise/Innovation, Heads of Business Engagement, Pro-Vice-Chancellors Business Development.


Adam Doyle, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Careers and Employer Engagement), University of East London

Adam is Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor of Careers and Employer Engagement at the University of East London, prior to which he worked at the University of Derby as Head of Business Engagement and Employability. Adam has experience of employer and industry engagement across research, skills, graduate talent, and facilities spaces. He has sat on various external committees, including town deals, regional skills development committees, start-up and scale-up initiatives, and manufacturing networks. He chaired the University of Derby’s Business Engagement Board and chairs the University of East London’s Employer Partnerships Oversight Committee.

Having begun his career teaching trusts law at King’s College London, Adam has also taught at BPP University. His role at as Programme Head of Law School Partner Centres gave him the opportunity to teach students in Bangladesh, Mauritius, Pakistan and Trinidad. Adam is also an advisor for the Junior Lawyers Club, a group that assists young people from all backgrounds develop skills and understanding of future careers in law.

Catherine is the Senior Enterprise Development Manager in Natural, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences at King’s College London. Catherine has significant experience of the knowledge exchange and enterprise landscape, having previously held the positions of Senior REF and KEF officer, and Knowledge Exchange and Engagement Manager at the University of Kent. During this time she served on several committees, including the university’s Right to Food Committee, University of Sanctuary Board, Public Engagement with Research Group, University UK’s Knowledge Exchange Concordat Advisory Board, and was chair of the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) Cluster X Network.
Her career in Higher Education has been varied, with a particular career highlight being the launch of the first Government Economic Service Degree Apprenticeship Programme, as equitable access to education is something she cares deeply about. She has acted as a trustee for two local children’s charities in Kent, has been recognised for local fundraising activities and is passionate about volunteering.