
Network Aim: To convene colleagues from across the membership to collaborate and campaign on issues where the internationalisation of higher education and London intersect. The Network aims to maintain, and build upon, the reputation of London as the world’s top university city and, in doing so, elevate the international student experience and academic reputation of London institutions.
Current Projects: International Education Strategy for London.
Membership: Heads/Directors of International strategy, or colleagues with responsibility for international engagement.
Mark Hertlein, Head of Global Engagement, City St George’s, University of London.
Mark is Head of Global Engagement at City, University of London. He has over 20 years professional experience in Higher Education. Over this time he has worked at a number of UK universities, in a number of different areas. A common feature of these roles has been the management of partnerships with educational providers both within the UK and overseas.
Prior to joining City in April 2015 Mark spent six years at the University of London where he worked as a Senior Manager (Institutions and Global Development). This post provided him with a thorough understanding of both transnational education and those countries that he was directly responsible for. Although a number of the posts he has held have been international in focus, he has also held posts in the area of widening participation/ access.
As Head of Global Engagement Mark provides day to day management of the Office for Global Engagement and contributes to the development of a strategic approach to Global Engagement at City. This involves working closely with the Assistant Vice President (Global Engagement) and senior colleagues within City’s Schools and Professional Services. It also involves representing City on external networks.
Executive Chair: Prof. Jean-Noël Ezingeard, Vice-Chancellor, University of Roehampton.
Meeting Regularity: Termly
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Contact: Mark Corbett