Network Aim: To convene colleagues from across the membership to collaborate and campaign on issues where the internationalisation of higher education and London intersect. The Network aims to maintain, and build upon, the reputation of London as the world’s top university city and, in doing so, elevate the international student experience and academic reputation of London institutions.
Current Projects: International Education Strategy for London.
Membership: Heads/Directors of International strategy, or colleagues with responsibility for international engagement.
Prof. Mary Stiasny OBE, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) and CEO of University of London Worldwide, University of London.
Before moving to her current role at the University of London as Pro Vice-Chancellor (International, Teaching and Learning), Mary held a strategic role as Pro-Director with responsibility for Learning, Teaching and International at UCL’s Institute of Education.
Mary was formerly Director of Education at The British Council, and has held middle and senior management roles in several universities. She has also worked on consultancy projects and research projects in the field of international learning and teaching, working to develop international and global links.
Nina Davies, Director of International and Strategic Engagement, Royal Veterinary College.
As Director of International and Strategic Engagement, Nina is the member of the RVC Executive responsible for leading the College’s comprehensive and integrated approach to internationalisation and the development and delivery of international engagement and strategic partnerships strategies. Previously responsible for Access at the RVC, Nina is still passionate about access and opportunity for all in higher education and hopes to highlight and develop London’s strength in this area in her work with the London Higher International Network.
Executive Chair: Prof. Jean-Noël Ezingeard, Vice-Chancellor, University of Roehampton.
Meeting Regularity: Termly
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Contact: Mark Corbett