
Network Aim: To offer a space for providers of higher education whose ‘home’ institution is based outside London. Typically, the home institution is a mainstream UK university operating a smaller campus, branch, outstation or study centre in London. The network provides a space to discuss issues specific to London centres and enables staff to connect across this community.
Membership: Directors of Centres
Dr. Guy Brown, Pro Vice Chancellor (London) and Dean of Students
As Pro Vice Chancellor (London), Guy leads the strategic development for a range of full-time, part-time, blended and corporate programmes. With a career background in strategic marketing, enterprise, and economic development in both the private and public sector, Guy teaches on a range of modules relating to leadership development, organisational behaviour, innovation, strategic planning, and enterprise.
- Dr Guy Brown
Meeting Regularity: Twice Termly
Follow the work… #LHCentresNetwork #LHNetworks @LondonHigher #LondonHE
Contact: Mark Corbett