
Network Aim: To provide a space for discussion, collaboration and communication for those working to influence and react to policy across HE in London. The Network seeks to identify current policy issues affecting the sector and support members to find the best possible outcomes to these. The network aims to look ahead to identify policy challenges of the future and support members to engage with these issues and proactively seek solutions.
Membership: Policy Officers, Policy Managers, Directors of Policy, Public or External Affairs.
Alistair Jarvis CBE, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Partnerships and Governance), University of London
He is a member of the UCAS Board of Trustees and member of the advisory boards of Wonkhe, the UPP Foundation and the Discovery Decade project. Alistair was educated at the Universities of Kent, Leicester and the Institute of Education, UCL.
You can find him on LinkedIn or X (formerly Twitter) @AlistairJarvis
Executive Chair: Dr. Diana Beech, Chief Executive Officer, London Higher.
- Alistair Jarvis CBE
- Dr Diana Beech
Meeting Regularity: Termly
Follow the work… #LHPolicyNetwork #LHNetworks @LondonHigher #LondonHE
Contact: Mark Corbett (mark.corbett@londonhigher.ac.uk)