Resource category: Briefing notes
London students’ use of AI
This briefing note looks at the use of AI by London students in detail using various data sources.
Results Day 2024
This briefing note takes a look at what the data says about London, and has a look at UK-wide data...
Income from startups, spinouts and intellectual property for London universities in 2022-23: A briefing note
At the start of April 2024, HESA published new data on British higher education institutions’ (HEIs) income from a variety...
The creative landscape in London: where does higher education fit in?
This briefing note takes a look at the creative landscape in London and what London’s higher education institutions do to...
Commuter students in London: A briefing note
This briefing note looks at currently available research on commuter students, the national picture and the unique considerations for London...
London Higher Autumn Statement asks
Four asks developed by London Higher on behalf of our 50+ London institutions for the Chancellor ahead of the Autumn...
Will it pay off? The effect of the cost of living crisis on students’ higher education choices in London
With London being the country’s most expensive city, the AccessHE team wanted to learn from students in Year 12 and...
Expressing the international student voice: What international students in London tell us about their experiences of studying at university
This policy note by London Higher and Middlesex University London provides insights into the experiences of international students in London’s...
Party Conferences 2023 – a short briefing by London Higher
We have prepared a short briefing for members ahead of Party Conferences this year with some key facts and asks...
Results Day 2023: what does the data say about London?
This briefing outlines the top facts and key trends about London from Results Day 2023. There is a lot still...
The Mayor of London – a summary of regional powers and responsibilities
Written by Policy and Projects Officer Anna Gunstone, this briefing explains in short the powers and responsibilities held by the...
The characteristics of students in London higher education and how they link to experience and outcomes
London Higher has published analysis for our members on the characteristics of students in London higher education and how they...