
Our universities: generating growth and opportunity – a regional perspective

The UK higher education sector is one of our country’s greatest assets. It is as diverse
as it is prestigious and, in each region of the UK, universities and HEIs of all sizes and
specialisms are working hard to provide their local economies with the skills and
innovations to promote growth and productivity.

The recent Universities UK report looking at Our Universities: Generating Growth and
Opportunity rightly highlights the positive impact that HEIs are making in the UK’s
nations and regions. As the two largest and long-standing regional representative
bodies for higher education in England, London Higher and Yorkshire Universities have
come together to further demonstrate the power of regional university ecosystems
and, ultimately, help to support, through our own regional-specific activities and case
studies, the case for universities to influence and inform policymaking within and
across the UK.

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Published: January 2023