Income from startups, spinouts and intellectual property for London universities in 2022-23: A briefing note
At the start of April 2024, HESA published new data on British higher education institutions’ (HEIs) income from a variety of streams related to startups, spinouts and intellectual property in the 2022-23 academic year, including trademarks and patents, software design, and companies started by the institution’s staff or students or based on their intellectual property. The data accompanies a consultation from HESA on how, and how often, information on this kind of income should be
gathered and shared.
The large dataset shared this month is intended as the start of a conversation, not a conclusion, and to prompt us to think about what we could investigate with similar data in the future. Therefore, we
have taken a look at what the data for London’s higher education institutions tells us.
Published: April 2024