
Our response to the publication of KEF2

Knowledge exchange is vital to increasing the impact of research, generating new ideas and creating opportunities, so we welcome the evolution of the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF). 

The second iteration of the KEF provides a better comparison of higher education institutions, capturing the true diversity of London providers and giving a more accurate picture of how they perform across the sector. We are especially pleased to see the various ways in which London Higher members contribute to the economic growth and prosperity of the country through community engagement and partnerships. 

It is great  to see our members LSE and SOAS having ‘very high engagement’ compared to the Cluster X average ‘medium engagement’ in the reframed CPD perspective, demonstrating the strength of London HEIs in a specific area that had previously been captured under ‘skills, enterprise and entrepreneurship’.  

The continued inclusion of narratives for ‘public and community engagement’ and ‘local growth and regeneration’ underlines the importance of the civic agenda as part of knowledge exchange and provides a valuable contextualisation for the data displayed on the dashboard. The London Higher Civic Map complements the KEF’s visualisation of civic data through over 230 case studies that illustrate the fantastic work being done by members across the capital.