
London Higher submission to higher education commission inquiry on university research & regional levelling-up.

London Higher has today submitted our response to the Higher Education Commission inquiry on University Research & Regional Levelling-Up.

Drawing on views and opinions collected from across the London Higher membership, which comprises over forty higher education institutions of different sizes, local London geographies and specialisms this submission is a snapshot of the diverse viewpoints and positions represented across our wide membership.

Addressing impact, access to funding, regional engagement and levelling up, It is our view that any evaluation of regional R&D activities, and any subsequent changes to national funding mechanisms, should emphasise:

  • the overall impact of individual research projects, rather than the collective level of investment received by each region;
  • the ability of all institutions to access research funding regardless of reputation, location, or fields of research;
  • the establishment of regional leads for all Research Councils and all regions within the UK, including London;
  • deeper and more meaningful engagement between Research Councils and local authorities to better understand regional and local needs;
  • the creation of a mechanism (hereto undefined) to increase industry and higher education and research institution collaboration; and
  • a commitment that levelling up is an inclusive, UK-wide initiative, which does not level up particular regions at the expense of others (i.e. London).

You can read theĀ full response here