Today, 27 March 2023, the London Healthcare Education Group (LHEG) and London Medicine Education Group (LMED), a key division of London Higher, opens bids from member universities for up to £35,000 of project funding to be awarded in May this year.
The fund is looking to support innovative healthcare education projects of benefit to London. It is open to LHEG/LMED members, projects will be collaborative, needing to be designed and delivered between at least two universities or a university and a partner organisation and must have measurable outputs that benefit healthcare and/or medicine education in London.
Commenting on the fund, Jolanta Edwards, Director of Strategy at London Higher said:
“We are pleased to launch this funding for a second time, and to be able to support really important projects that have the potential to benefit London-based healthcare and medicine education. We hope that through collaboration between these groups, projects will be able to solve complex challenges across the capital and beyond.”
- The deadline for applications is 24 April. For further information please contact jolanta.edwards@londonhigher.ac.uk.
- LHEG brings together strategic leads from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) providing nursing, midwifery and applied health sciences (AHP) courses in London. Working collaboratively with our members from Health Education England (HEE) LHEG directly influences key NHS policy decisions that affect healthcare students in the capital.
- LMED brings together the heads of London’s undergraduate and postgraduate medical schools to improve student experience and make strategic decisions impacting medical education.
- To be eligible for this funding, institutions must be members of LHEG and/or LMED.