
Launch your creative future: Updated Creative HE Apply Guide

The Apply Guide has been created by the AccessHE division of London Higher in collaboration with UKADIA as a tool for those who have an interest pursuing a creative subject at university. The Apply Guide can be used to help prospective students understand and explore their options, and help them work towards having a degree in a creative subject.

The Apply Guide reveals some of the benefits of creative university courses and helps highlight that the creative sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK economy, with a value of £109billion in 2021. The Apply Guide also points to the individual benefits of creative degrees such as helping with building confidence and further helping young people to discover a sense of individual identity. The Apply Guide also showcases opportunities for mature students.

The guide provides an explanation of student finance as well as links to organisations that help young people from less privileged backgrounds access and afford studying creative subjects. The guide also looks at the different routes of getting onto a creative course at university and how to get into conservatoire training. The Apply Guide provides institutional profiles of universities that are well known to offer specialist courses in the creative industry, along with what creative subjects each of them offers. Overall, the Apply Guide aims to be a useful tool for those that are considering going to university to understand the complete application process along with how to decide which university to go to when they receive offers.

The full guide can be accessed on the London Higher website.