What does the Whatuni Student Choice Awards data tell us about London?
This blog has been written by Emily Dixon, Senior Research and Content Officer at London Higher, based on data from...
Diary of a Degree Apprentice: Part 2
Our CEO, Dr Diana Beech, writes for the London Higher blog about her experiences at the end of her first...
Quo Vadis? Can London lead the way on AI?
This blog has been written by Mark Corbett, Head of Policy and Networks at London Higher on the back of...
Launch of groundbreaking eLearning course on supporting people with learning disabilities
This blog has been contributed by Antony Newman, Lead for Simulated Learning at the University of West London. An innovative...
Widening participation through local initiative – a collaboration between a university and its local authority
Gabrielle Smallbone, Senior Lecturer in English for Academic and Professional Development writes for us about Kingston University London’s language project...
United in Pride: why Pride matters for London universities
Written by Ant Babajee (he/him), who was LGBT+ Network co-chair at Middlesex University between 2018 and 2023, where his day...
What can we learn from CiviCon24?
Written by Darren de Souza, Senior Policy and Projects Officer, London Higher. Last week, the hot topic at CiviCon24 was...
Tackling the shortfall in podiatrists. “The University of East London is the only provider of degree-level podiatry in London.”
Alexander Izod, Senior Lecturer in Podiatric biomechanics, anatomy and clinical practice at the University of East London, writes about the...
The London Plan and Purpose Built Student Accommodation Three Years On – Panacea for Growth or Painful Progress?
David Tymms was formerly Director of Residences at LSE, Chief Operating Officer at iQ Student Accommodation and is currently Strategic...
Choosing the community nursing pathway for my Adult Nursing degree gave me a career I love
Recently qualified Community Staff nurse and Adult Nursing Kings College London alumni Amanda Looby Tierney writes about joining a community...
Do universities have a role to play in tackling misogyny?
This blog has been written by Helen Bendon, Interim Head of Department, Film, at Middlesex University. As teachers of film,...
Making cycling safer should be a priority for London’s universities
This blog has been written by Anika Heckwolf, Policy Analyst, Grantham Research Institute, LSE; Antonina Scheer, Policy Fellow and Research...