New healthcare funding awarded to address future work needs
Projects looking to address future work needs and deliver bespoke, live simulated learning sessions are amongst the successful applicants for...
London Higher celebrates London’s research successes
London Higher is calling for Government to put London’s world-leading research and development (R&D) sector at the heart of the...
London Health Education Group launch new project funding
The London Healthcare Education Group (LHEG), a key division of London Higher, is today welcoming bids from member universities for...
London Higher submits response to the lifelong loan entitlement (lle) consultation
London Higher is today calling on the Department for Education (DfE) to link local skills plans to its Strategic Priorities...
London Higher submits response to the higher education reform consultation
London Higher and AccessHE are today calling for Government proposals for Minimum Eligibility Requirements (MERs) for higher education to be...
London Higher launches new “London is local” campaign
With a week to go to the London local elections, London Higher – the representative body for over 40 universities...
Bloomsbury Institute joins London Higher
London Higher is delighted to welcome the Bloomsbury Institute as its first associate member. Following recent Board approval, London Higher...
London Higher launch pan-London global majority mentoring programme
Today [March 25th] London Higher has launched the ‘London Higher Mentoring Programme’, in partnership with London Metropolitan University and Minerva....
London Higher and London Councils announce new climate change knowledge partnerships
London Higher and London Councils have today announced five new knowledge partnerships between five borough-led climate programmes and four universities...
London Higher submits OFS consultation responses
After extensive discussion with the London Higher membership, representing the full diversity of London HE, London Higher have today [Thursday...
London Higher Statement on Ukraine
Following the horrific scenes in Ukraine over the past two weeks, we at London Higher, and at our forty member...
London Higher responds to the government’s announcement on funding for post-18 education
“Today’s [Feb 24th 2022] announcements bring an end to years of speculation for the sector about when and how the...